Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Carlos!

As you all know Carlos turned 12 last week, and today him and I celebrated by shooting each other in the face.

For his birthday he wanted an Airsoft gun, which for the uninitiated is essentially a battery powered BB gun except it shoots plastic BBs at about 1/4 the velocity and they are fully automatic. Being that the velocity is lower they are safe to shoot at one another provided your wearing eye protection, etc - so I ended up getting two.

We headed up to the woods behind our house today and played hide and seek with weapons.

Highlights include:
  • Carlos shooting me in the chin from about 15 feet away without realizing it. I was well hidden and his approach throughout the match was to let the lead fly when he was hunting. He sprayed a bunch of shots randomly into the brush and got me. When I jumped up to indicate he'd won he jumped back - he didn't realize I was right there, he just got lucky (do I sound bitter?).
  • Me flanking Carlos and shooting him in the butt.
  • Carlos unloading on me from a great hiding spot and peppering me with about fifteen shots before i realized what happened.
  • Carlos wanting to go home for water and me begging that we play a few more rounds first.
Every firefight ended up with us both laughing, it was good fun. I'm fighting the urge to go online right now and purchase the biggest badest Airsoft gun, night visions google, UAVs, you name it, so I can get the drop on him ...

While I'm at it, here's another picture of Jack.


Anonymous said...

rob, you and carlos look like real west virgian's it's almost like your native to that state. love y'all, nanc

Corinne said...

Whoa! Can't tell if I'm staring at the faces of Rambo and Son....or Derek Zoolander and son!!! He! He! He!. Glad you guys are having fun with the "toys". BTW is it possible for Jack to get any cuter???

katy said...

Hilarious! Happy Birthday Carlos! We've got something in the mail to you, I'm sorry it's a bit late!