Carlos is my son. On Wednesday February 27, 2008 I adopted Carlos! Man, am I lucky or what? - Two sons in a matter of a few months. We were all a bit nervous about going to court, but luckily things went smoothly. We were joking around quite a bit on the way to court (shocker) as I was practicing my go-to court lines, including such favorites as:
I'm out of order??? You're out of order!!! This whole damn court is out of order!!!
and the ever-popular:
You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!!
After I got through doing my best Jack Nicholson we started joking about the judge putting Carlos on the stand after I finish the first tirade (This whole damn court is out of order!!!):
Judge: Carlos, does your Dad always swear like that?
To which Carlos responded:
No, he mostly just lies, Mom's the one who swears all the time.
Hahaha, we were rolling. (For the record I pull people's legs .... lie is such an ugly word).
Anyways, we learned later that the judge himself has two adopted children so he was well suited for our "case". I got to take the stand and the judge threw me a softball asking how I felt about Carlos. Fighting back tears I told him and Carlos that I feel truly blessed to have found Carrie and Carlos and have no doubt that God led me to them. I truly couldn't ask for a better son, Carlos is such a thoughtful and considerate young man. If Jack turns out to be half as good as his older brother than he'll have a leg up on anybody else.
Carlos has endured the learning curve I undertook (and am still taking) by switching from a relatively immature, short fused, self-centered, impatient boy into the slightly more mature, less self-centered father that I am today, to which he is owed a lot of credit. It's common knowledge that the oldest child gets it the hardest, and I imagine this is compounded by having a young and inexperienced step-father who tends to be somewhat of a hardass discipline-wise. But Carlos has never been disrespectful, has never questioned my leadership, which speaks lengths about his character. It seems fitting that now that I am being thought the lesson of patience from nature's little teacher; an infant, Carlos is entering the most formative (and from what I hear the most trying) years of his life - the teenage years. It seems like my lesson couldn't have come soon enough. I still have a lot of work to do, but I'm getting there ...
Well, that's all for now. I'm in lovely Binghamton NY, and still have a bit of work to do before I can call it a night, along with a late night treadmill run. Remind me to tell you about the last time I was in Binghamton and decided to take a jog outside at 1:30 in the morning ... They say engineers are book-smart but lack common sense ... not me!
Congratulations to the Best Family! I am so glad to hear that Carlos is now officially adopted, I know he truly considers you to be his father. I only hope that Kendra turns out to be as respectful as he is. :)
Yeah - You guys are the "Best" Family Ever!
I am so happy that you are officially Carlos's Dad. I know a piece of paper doesn't change how you feel about him or how he feels about you, but it's nice to know that it's official.
Way to go Rob, two kids in three months. Now that's impressive :)months...
Congratulations to All of you! I loved reading your account of this special day.
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