Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rob's with the SMIBs, Carrie's with the Stalkers

Well thus far this week has been a busy one for the Best's. I'm at Pax for work, hangin with the SMIBs (if there are any SMIBs reading this, I'm only joking, wait a sec .... SMIBs can't read). On the domestic front Carrie's been taking care of business, including having several plumbers over to give us estimates on a few minor repairs we need in the basement bathroom. The first plumber was a kind old man who seemed quite eager to do the work.

Perhaps too eager.... Dum Dum DUM

Carrie told him we were going to get some more estimates and would call him back the next day (today) after speaking with the other plumber. Well we're not sure if the plumber is starting to go Ronald Reagan on us and can't remember his conversations or if he just isn't very professional, but he called 3 times on Tuesday (including a call at 10 pm) and started calling this morning at 9 am. After Carrie informed him that we had decided to go with another plumber he went on a tirade about being the only professional plumber in the United States. Come to think of it, maybe he is going Reagan on us... He followed this up with another phone call later on tonight. Looks like we got ourselves a certified stalker! Well if he calls again I'm going to have to tell him that we have made our decision and don't wish to speak with him anymore. We consider any further contact to be harassment and will have to notify the authorities. I can empathize with someone trying to make a living, but this is getting a bit ridiculous. Hopefully he's not mobbed up.

Well I have a few more things to do for work tonight and I'll be wrapping my trip up tomorrow. Then if everything goes according to plan I won't be traveling for a few months. It'll be nice being at home and I should be able to hack out a ton of code, which I'm looking forward to (man I'm a gigantic nerd).

1 comment:

katy said...

Wow, I hope that guy finally quit calling you. You all sure do get some weirdos in WV. (This is coming from someone living in KY. I know, I know.)